Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Book Reviews

I have been doing quite a bit of reading (for me) since coming to India due to my good friend A. To say A is a book worm would be a huge understatement! She has read more books in the last 8 months than I have probably read in the last 2 years.

So I decided I would share my favorites.

Just so you know, there won't be any bad reviews. Every book I've read in the last 6 months I am recommending. Because first of all, I don't have a lot of time to read to begin with, so why even think about reading a book I may not LOVE! Second, if I don't LOVE it, then I usually don't finish it and it would be unfair to write a review on a book I never actually read. Third, I am a horribly slow reader and this limits the amount of books I read which takes us back to number one; why waste my time reading a book I'm not sure to LOVE!

by Khaled Hosseini
Besides the amazing and compelling stories, I loved these two books mainly because of what it taught me.
The only images I had of Afganistan before reading these books involved bearded Taliban and beautiful eyes peering out from beneath blue burkas.
In my narrow view of the world outside my box I hadn't realized there was ever a different kind of Afganistan. I hadn't known the history of the Soviet occupation or the years of tribal wars before the Taliban "saved" Afganistan only to then reign supreme through fear and violence.
Neither story leaves you with what I would call a warm & fuzzy, it was more of a realization than anything. They are not without hope though and you definitely feel different after having read them.
They are very different stories but both are set in the same time period and place. Both involve what I feel to be an amazing amount of everyday life, thoughts and people in Afganistan during that time period. I thought the books both gave a very honest and authentic feeling.
I totally recommend them both but, if I had to choose my favorite I would have to choose The Kite Runner.

Books of Pellinor:
Sorry I couldn't get a picture of book 3. By the way, these are the Australian covers, they may look completely different in the stores in the US or anywhere else. Also, in the US, book 1 is known as "The Naming".
If you love epic fantasy, which I do, then you will love these books! (Big T says to tell you, "They totally ROCK!).
They are kind of "Lord of The Rings"-ish! Very big story with lots of magical people and events, reading minds, talking to animals, supreme beings. Its all very cool and very exciting to read. I couldn't put the books down and I'm looking forward to reading the fourth book...when it comes out!
Just in case Alison Croggon happens to be reading my blog, hurry up with number four please!!
Finally, the series I'm currently reading (just a couple chapters away from finishing the last book); Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer.

These books are also fantasy.
What I love about this series is that it is an incredibly quick and easy read that kept me both motivated (I read the second book, over 500 pages, in a 24 hours period) and enthralled.
As you read them you feel like your sixteen again and who doesn't want to feel like a teenager again...well okay, neither do I, but these books help you to remember the good parts about being a teenager. First loves, first kiss, all the good stuff!
These are the kind of books you read when you need a break from the intense. No polotics, deep thinking or self-evaluation involved, just pure entertainment!
I heard about these books a year or so ago, before all the hipe began but hadn't gotten around to reading them. I almost decided not to when my friend A and Mo twisted my arm and told me I HAD to read them. So I gave in....and I'm so, so glad I did!
Anyone know where I can get me one of those sexy teenage vampires! :)


Anonymous said...

Kelly if you liked the twilight series, you will even like the Carpathian Dark Series by Chistine Feehan even better. It is far more adult than teenage though. But I guarantee it will bring back all kinds of memories and maybe some that you wish you'd had. Love you tons LiL sister.

Special K said...

I will have to look into that series. Is it scary?
Have you read any of the books I listed?
Miss you sis!

Anonymous said...

There is a book called the gift by Richard Paul Evans that is excellent. I am reading abook by Sheri Dew God wandts a powerful people, She is such a good writer and we all need reminders of how far beneath our potential we all live. She did such a good job of Pres. Hinkley's live. I think she is going to do Pres. Monson's now. Love ya tons mom

Anonymous said...

No they are not at all scary. "Heated" or "Steamy" might be a better word. By the time you"re finished reading them I guarantee you'll be wishing you were a carpathian. I will email you a list of them. They are kind of written in an order of how they are introduced into the family or "clan". Miss you tons!

Special K said...

Sounds good send me that list!

Wendoyoublog in Colorado said...

Amazon likes you a lot K...because I just ordered all those books! My big T will probably like the Pellinor books better than me though. Can't wait to get them.

Special K said...

You won't be disappointed about the books Wendy! They are all really good (according to me)! I'm sure your T will love the books of pellinor if he like fantasy or fiction.