Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I love his people...

While talking with Little T's teacher at a recent parent-teacher-conference, she once again shared with me her "love" of Little T's "people". I'm not sure if she remembers telling me the exact same thing at the last parent teacher conference, but she seemed just as earnest this time as the first.

Which got me thinking....

She has been an elementary teacher for quite some time and would be considered somewhat of an authority on children's art, maybe she was trying to tell me something.

But then, I don't want to be one of those obnoxious parents who thinks any old chicken scratch their child produces is a Picasso!

So, I'll let you be the judge. Skills or no skills?

I think he's captured such emotion in my eyes, and R's hair looks so, so...natural!

Personally, I think the resemblance to Big T is just uncanny, don't you?

I'm not afraid to admit that I'm not a big fan of abstract art but...I just can't stop looking at it!

Oh, this is a personal favorite! There is something magical about it. I don't know if its the whimsical way her hair curls or the delicate lines of her fingers...or possibly the mischief portrayed in her eyes, its just all so captivating.

Last, but not least he did this amazing self-portrait. I'm convinced...he's a genius!

Seriously, this art is magic! MOMMY MAGIC!

(Mommy loves your people too Little T!)


Rena said...

I laughed out loud when I saw each picture. I agree with you. There is just something about those "people" that are captivating. Well, this means that you better save all of his art work because they are going to be worth millions someday, but for now they are priceless to mommy!

Wendoyoublog in Colorado said...

Maybe your family really evolved from monkeys with long arms....at least T thinks so...he he he....he drew your arms so long. (I hope your audience really knows I am being silly)

Skills...skills I say. A kids perception is so funny.

Special K said...

You said it Rena, priceless to Mommy!

I think the way he draws the eyes are my favorite!

Wendy, I thought we did evolve from apes...

shauna said...

Usually at his age the arms are still coming out of the head. It is impressive. I like having a neck and arms coming out of the shoulders. It is such a natural look.

Loved, loved, loved this.

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Anonymous said...

I loved the pictures!!! :)I'm still laughing.:) However, I think maybe he has "issues" with big sis and they must come out when he is drawing her. I'm not sure if that is something you should be concerned about or not?? He is such a cutie I really miss not seeing all the kids. Hug & kiss them for me and tell lil T I would love to see a picture of me. I would really like to see a picture of the grandparents.

Children are priceless!!! Savor their childhood, its gone so fast.