My friend Jean sent me a lovely care package with a bunch of Costo size boxes of junk food (I still need to know how much I owe you Jean). I got the box yesterday and was so excited to see pop-tarts, cereal, granola bars and best of all OREOS! It was like Christmas.
Anyway I put everything away in our little pantry and in the morning Richard informed me that the ants had gotten into all the new food.
I foolishly thought that since I hadn't opened anything that it wouldn't attracted those pesky little creatures, WRONG! These little guys are very persistence and obviously "sealed packaging" in the US isn't what it used to be. The hardest hit item was the box of oreos. But we were not going to let those pint sized soldiers win this time. We unwrapped every package except for a couple that obviously had no hope of revival and searched every single oreo for ants (i.e.picture obove). After all, junk food from America is a precious commodity and I could not let all those oreos or money go to waste!
We went through everything else and every box contained ants but the only other item that actually contained ants inside the bags were the frosted mini-wheats. So again I sifted through two large bags of mini-wheats and saved those as well. I'm actually proud of myself because if this had happened in the states I would have chucked everything in the trash and started over. But when your desperate you tend to be a bit more resourceful.
Unsalvigable Oreos! :(
A plate of "clean" oreos!
Bottom of the oreo box and what was left of the ants. There was easily 10 times this amount when we opened it.