Monday, March 23, 2009

I NEED muSic!

I need a favor from ALL of my loyal Readers...yes, that means all 6 of you!

I'm completely bored with all the songs in my "Running List". I run at least 3 times a week (thank you...yes, thank I know) and I am finding it very hard to stay Motivated with the same 'ol songs!

Please give me one or two suggestions of your favorite motovating songs that you exercise to. Be sure to use the Chat Wall to the right > so everyone can see your wonderful suggestions.


Anonymous said...

Please press 1 for Englsih, 2 for Hindi and 3 for Punjabi! :P

Special K said...

Hi Paul, do I know you?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you try the mom song music that was pretty motivating for me, and you did send it to me.

grammaDawn said...

I have a better like me, just don't exercise. You don't need motivation or music for that, AND you don't get all smelly and sweaty.

Derrell said...

Wow, love the new photo! What are you, twenty-two?

Bree said...

WOW - you are HOT HOT HOT! Looking amazing. Great job on the whole working out thing. I'm trying. I'm not 100% at it, but some is better than nothing right?! (Please tell me yes, or I might just cry) ;)

Wendoyoublog in Colorado said...

I like to use the music with the faster beats per minute. BPM. I always do a search on iTunes for running music and somehow that leads to other music with faster BPM. They are songs that are not the original artist and they are a bit more electronic but they get you movin. Then I found a cardio pack of cd's at Sam's Club or Costco that had popular songs that had been changed to higher BPM. I just bought a pack of CD's that are Biggest Loser songs for running and walking. You might have to twist my arm to buy you one and mail it to you.

Wendoyoublog in Colorado said...

Oh ya, glad you are still runnin. But, is your refrigerator still running? Better go catch it! Ha ha. Sorry, lame, I know. But really, glad you are running.

Rena said...

I have the same problem. For some reason I have avril lavigne on my playlist along with other not very motivating songs.
I will have to try to find some great ones this week.

Special K said...

ok wendy, it might be too late but I'm twisting!!!....can you feel it yet? :)