Sunday, February 3, 2008

New Guest Book...take a deep breath!

Thanks to my good friend W in Alaska I have a new guest book (she didn't actually give it to me I just copied the one on her blog)! Thanks W!

If you can't see it don't be alarmed. Take a deep breath and as you slowly exhale, start scrolling down. If you run out of breath before you get to the bottom then you are obviously not long-winded enough to read my blog in the first place!

For those of you who reach the bottom and your lips are blue--your one of the lucky ones. Feel free to come back anytime, but lets work on that stamina!

For those of you who reached the bottom with breath to spare, we obviously have alot in common so--Welcome aboard the Seipert express! Always happy to have more passengers aboard!


Wendoyoublog in Colorado said...

Hey, glad to be of help....I will go sign your guest book from the other computer.

Loved your guestbook photo.

Your blogging is a treasure!

Special K said...

Thanks Wendy! It was nice to have your sister stop by!

shauna said...

Wendy's sister says thanks for the camera info. And I guess I am long winded enough to make it except I kind of cheated. Since I had ALREADY read AND commented (ahem, Wendy), I decided to use the super fast scroll thingy.

I think I'm adding you to my google reader. Is that butting in on my sister's friends?

shauna said...

Umm, your guest book is having tec. difficulties. I'll check back later.

Special K said...

Whats a google reader...I want one! :)

shauna said...

It is a spot where you can subscribe to all the blogs you like and click to that page and it will show you who has new posts.

It is like a super walmart, or super target or the mall or a super "market"--I don't know what they have in India, but basically everything you like in one spot. It saves you from hopping or linking around (that sounds bad doesn't it!) Ask Wendy for my email address if you have more questions.