Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another 'First' in India

The weather here is extremely muggy. The air so thick with moisture that we run 5 dehumidifiers continuously and still deal with soft crackers and persistent mold.

So I just had to share my latest humidity-related 'first' since living in India.

I've recently discovered that after sitting under the hot and humid sink cupboard all summer that about 50% of my tampons have been rendered useless and I'm guessing the remaining half is 50% less absorbant. They have absorbed so much moisture out of the air and are wedged so tightly in their cardboard applicators that they are unusable.

Wow, who would have thought....guess I should have splurged for the plasic applicators.


Rachelle said...

Wow! I grew up in Mississippi and Louisiana and never thought the humidity was that bad! I can't believe it...well, you'll need to stock up on the plastic!

shauna said...

I was trying to think of something funny to say, but there really ain't nothin to say about messed up tampons. Dang humidity.

Anonymous said...

Dang Skippy what an "R" rated blog, just like TV ads. Bet they don't have an anti-humidity tampons, but maybe you could write the company and suggest they make them and share the profit with you. Love Ya tons.

Derrell said...

Well, I can definitely say this was something I'd never thought about! Not too sure I wanted to think about it, but thanks, Kelly. :-) Somebody should have warned you.