Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Mo, got on the blog site yesterday and in her most exasperated tone said; "Gosh Mom, why don't you ever blog, it's been like 4 days?"
Sorry, its not like I have a LIFE, I'll get right on that!
Although I would never admit it to her, she was right to chastise me, sometimes I do go a little too long between postings.

We have been busy getting ready for Christmas, although I have to admit it took me a while to get into the Christmas spirit this year. I'm convinced that Growing up in Utah has ruined me for life. If I don't have snow for Christmas well--its just not Christmas. You would think that after years of living in places like Egypt and Florida that I would be used to it by now, but alas, I believe it is inbred and there is no hope for me. It doesn't help that the last few years in Virginia we had snow. But once again, I am forced to face a snow-less Christmas; and the idea of not having a cup of hot chocolate after a crazy afternoon of sledding just doesn't seem right.

But what made Christmas particularly hard to face this year was not the lack of cold weather, but the deep sense of longing I feel for my family at this time of year. The older I get the more I miss the idea of a Christmas at home. Whenever I hear or sing "I'll be home for Christmas" it seems to strike a particularly sensitive cord deep inside.

For me, family is one of the most important meanings of Christmas. At this time of year, as Christmas starts to creep in, slowly at first, unnoticed on the heels of Thanksgiving, the longing for loved ones overwhelms me, catching me off guard and I am seldom prepared for its impact.

So, it is my Christmas wish, to all my friends and family this year, that you know what a powerful impact your presence is in my life. No matter how far apart we are, my life would never be as rich or full of joy, if you were not apart of it! If it were possible I would list each of you by name and tell of the many ways you have influenced my life and made me a better person for having known you, for having been your sister, your daughter or your friend. But it would take me a life-time to compile it, so for now, wherever you are, please accept my sincerest gratitude for all that you are, and all that you have done to enrich my life!

May God bless each and everyone of you with the gift of peace and the knowledge of my love!



Anonymous said...

That was a tear jerker kell, Merry Christmas to you. I thought about weather or not I should send you a card but I will just update you by email and send our picture there. love ya

Anonymous said...

Dearest little sister
I know exactly how you feel I am the same way. I also have a hard time getting into the spirit without snow. Shopping, decorating, and seeing the lights is just not the same if there is no snow. It is like an ache deep in your heart, especially during this season, that I really really really miss not seeing you and all the rest of the family. Hopefully soon we can all get together for Christmas like we used too. Merry Christmas to all of you and I love and miss you all terribly.
Love your big sister

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone it's Katie do you remember me still?!?!?!?!?!Sorry I have been out of touch for sooooo long but I had no clue you guy's had a blog. Unfortunately I have a lot of question now that I've seen this (big mistake morgann for showiing me this lol) So how's life.....who were those people that gave you the traditional wear? Do you share your house with them? Are things cheaper in India? Has Morgann had any boyfriends? Is Taylor driving now? Did Maceala have a good Birthday? Does Tyson want to marry Rachel so Morgann and I can be sisters-in-law(if he says no.....force him to !!!!! Just kiddin') YOU HAVE A MAID AND A GARDENER and you got to see one of the 7 world wonders!!! that's your house fancy? Do you like it? Do you have amercican food pringles, oreos, hershey chocalate, wonka ect. b/c if not I'll HAVE to send you some right away!!!! Well I don't want to take up all the posting space so I guess I have to leave it at that for now! I miss you offense, but especially Morgann!!!!! Tell Tyson a Super Hero Story for me!!

Katie now known as K dog
.....just kidding....or am I
K-dog Out y'all

Anonymous said...

Hey Mo it's Kassie!!!!! Wow I havenn't had tme to read the whole blog, but it looks interesting and sad........I want to see your house!!! What does it look like!!!!! Also I wan to say hi to the whole family, and tell you how much I miss you. BTW mo, the people who moved into your house re like vampires......I've never seen them or talked to them. Oh by the way.......did I tell you my near death story? LOL Anyways love ya miss ya, and oh Matt my long lost friend from Oklahoma sent me a letter!!!!! He is pretty cute!!! LOL!!! Luv YA!!!

your bestest n beastest friend.....Jk......KASSIE

Anonymous said...

Ok it has taken me an hour to read the blog I am still not finished. I am not sure how this whole thing works but and slowly finding out. It is Jan 1 and I really miss my good friend. Cant wait to see you in June.

Love ya Jean
Love the story of your trip made me laugh