Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Van is Coming!!

We just found out that our van has reached India and is on our way to us as we speak. I am actually hoping with all my might, mind and strength that it arrives today or this weekend at the latest!
Our car actually arrived in Amsterdam on the 16 of August and sat there for over a month because of miscomunications between our GSO (gov. shipping office) and the port in Amsterdam. I was a little peeved when I found out!
I am so tired of taking taxis its not even funny! Although, I do have to admit it is always an adventure to ride in an auto rickshaw... but it will be very liberating to have my very own mode of transportation that have stains on the seats or smell like... well lets just say its not a pleasant smell. Although I will miss a couple of my 'regular taxi drivers' who smile when they see me coming (ooh here she comes, sucker!) and laugh at me whenever I try to speak Hindi with them.
Of course they are not the only ones. Every Indian I have ever spoken Hindi to has either giggled or laughed right out loud. The only solice I have is that I am not the only one it happens to, and Mutua assures me that I speak it "very nicely". All the other Hindi students in my class have experienced the same sort of phenomenon as well. I think they are so shocked to hear a foreigner speaking Hindi that they simply giggle.

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