Monday, September 15, 2008

New Delhi Bombings

Since I haven't received one frantic phone call, not a single anxiety-ridden email or even a slightly concerned blog comment....I have to assume that not a single person I know and love around the globe has had access to the news or current events in the past 72 hours, so...

Just thought I would let everyone know that even though there were 5 bombings in New Delhi Saturday evening, all of which were within approx. 30 minutes of us......we're okay.

Since you've all so obviously been out of the loop, I will fill you in as best I can; Between 6:15 and 6:45 Saturday evening 5 bombs went off in different market areas and parks within Delhi. Later 4 more bombs were discovered and diffused making a total of 9 bombs. Last I had heard, over 20 were killed and over a hundred injured.

I can't pronounce the name of the terrorist group claiming responsibility and so I have no idea how to spell it, but they are a fairly 'new' organization. They didn't seem to be targeting any particular ethnic group or religious fashion, but one of their reasons for the bombings was 'to cleanse us from our sins' I wonder how long it took them to come up with that garbage.

I think because they are so newly organized they just haven't had enough time to get their 'act together'. Or maybe they simply lack the leadership skills that older, more established terrorist organizations have. Its possible that since they're so new they may have to go through some sort of initiation period where they have to plan and carry out a certain number of mindless acts of violence before they can become full-fledged members of the terrorist fraternity? Or...maybe they just haven't had enough time to brainstorm and refine more intriguing, self-righteous excuses for spreading death and destruction, after all, it takes time to hone those kinds of skills.....seriously, how do they come up with the crap they spew.

I just can't seem to wrap my mind around the idea of terrorism. I might be a little slow (ok...a lot, but) could it be because we aren't really supposed to? By definition it is mindless acts of terror, not actually meant to have rhyme or reason. I guess that's the point. Inevitably they all claim some sort of spiritual, political or distorted ethical reasons for their diabolical schemes, as if that somehow absolves them from their heinous actions. But in the end, in my opinion, its pure evil, designed by evil men and women who are inspired by evil itself.

I'm grateful that no one I know was injured, especially since several of the bomb sites are popular shopping areas for many Americans posted in Delhi. In fact, while watching the news that evening in the diner, we spoke with a woman sitting next to us, who said she had just come from one of the markets not more than a half hour before the bomb went off. The only reason she left was for a baseball game she thought her son had that evening, which ended up he did not. If that doesn't make you think someones watching out for you....

Anyway, exciting things are always going on here in Delhi! But don't worry about us. No need for all those emails and phone calls full of worry and concern that I'm sure would have come.....eventually....had I not gotten to you first! :)


Rachelle said...

Scary! Especially around
Sept 11th.

I had not heard about that! I'm happy you are all safe! We love you and miss you!

Rachelle said...

This is the latest news here:

LA/Long Beach train crash that killed 25 and injured 130 people (could texting by the train engineer been the cause?); Hurriane Gustav that obliterated Galveston, TX; the stock market lows regarding the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers (financial firm)'s been crazy here this weekend! Not to mention the Sept 11th coverage and the opening of the new memorial at the Pentagon. It's been a huge news weekend.

I'm sorry that we didn't hear much about you guys. But, like I said earlier, we love and miss you and think about you often!

Special K said...

All is well Rachelle, I'm not upset, just sarcastic! :)

Sounds like it has been a news filled weekend, crazy!

Anonymous said...

Sorry we don't know where things happen when they tell you on the news it was in India. Even the flooding caused me concern, but didn't know where it was. Eventually we would have found out where it all happened. But of course Dad's birthday took presidence over everything since not one person remembered I had to over compensate to make him feel better.

Derrell said...

Guilty: Out of the loop! Glad you're well.

Mrs. Smith said...

We had the same experience. As soon as I heard about the bombings I got online and sent out emails to family members that might worry. Every single one of them came back saying that they hadn't heard a word. Elections and hurricanes. Hurumph. I feel cheated!

Seipert Family said...

We are trying to find a way to get funding for Anna's new hearing aides.. that's been our month.. Glad you are safe! We love you and your sarcasm! :)

shauna said...

Wow, been on a vacay in Utah (Wendy didn't make it) and completely forgot there was such a thing as news. I am making up for it now and wondering what I will find in my unread blogs.

Are you sure you are okay? That is my delayed, sarcastic, frantic comment.

Be safe.

Rena said...

What the holy scrud?! We're you afraid to go to sleep at night? I think I would be so scared.
I am not surprised that I didn't hear about it. This is exactly why I DONT watch the news. I hate seeing the world like this.
I am glad you are okay. Be safe. Miss ya.

Special K said...

FYI: we had another bombing in Delhi over the weekend. Its getting a little crazy.

Bree said...

Holy crap! I had NO idea. I'm glad you are all ok! It's reasons such as those that keep me from watching t.v. at all. Yikes... this world is getting to be a scary place. *shudder*

Wendoyoublog in Colorado said...

I guess I could make up a story like....I had a dream....I dreamed you were okay and not to email you to see if you were okay....

but my real reason is that we were moving and had no television in the temporary condo we were living in....

Kell....I am so glad you guys are safe and running around in the rain....